“The dog is the perfect portrait subject. He doesn’t pose. He isn’t aware of the camera.”

Life takes us through many experiences. Some good, but the bad outbalances the good. It sucks, like losing family members due to long term illness, seeing a sibling struggle with health and life in general, getting rejected at a project ideation, and seeing your bank balance go from black to red. For me there is no shortcut to gaining positive back, I have to work doubly hard and have some sacrifices.
But that is really not isolated to me. I figured we all have our struggles in some form or another because that simply is life. Thankfully gravity exists, the force that keeps our feet firmly planted on the ground without being flung off by our spinning planet.
We also have gravity in a figurative sense. For me it is my immediate family in my little home occupied by me, my loving and supportive husband, and a funny dog. No matter what life throws at us, I always gain my balance and perspective through time spent with them. Because I have to work long hours, sometimes it is not easy to enjoy a relaxing time but we try. It does not matter if it is just for 30 minutes in the yard, or an hour by the lake, as long as we take a step outside into a world of just us and be in the moment.
What is your gravity? Leave your comments below, I appreciate you sharing your story.
Thanks for dropping by.